Do you have a few hours to spare and want to use that time being more engaged in your local arts community? The Arts Council of White Lake-Nuveen Center is looking for you! The ACWL-Nuveen has a very small staff so in order to pull off all of the diverse programming we provide for the White Lake community we rely on our loyal volunteers. We are incredibly grateful for all the time and effort our multi-generational volunteers have contributed to our organization, some of which have been with the ACWL-Nuveen since its inception 38 years ago! The volunteers help us in so many ways from brainstorming and executing fundraisers, to labeling envelopes, to concert parking wrangling - we are confident we can find a good fit for your skill set. We look forward to starting 2023 with some new volunteer friends.
To learn more about the ways that you can volunteer please read the description of the various ACWL-Nuveen committees below. If you are interested in joining one (or more) committee please fill out this form or contact ACWL-Nuveen Director Erin Peyer at or (231) 893-2524
Art Walk - This is a new committee starting in 2023. Members of this committee will be responsible for filling out an annual review of all existing sculptures along the bike trail. They will determine the status of each of the pieces and any repairs that are needed. Participants will also assist the ACWL-Nuveen staff in making the repairs when possible or supervising a hired professional.
Membership - This committee is responsible for hosting the Membership Dinner in September and the Patron Party in May. They also help develop and mail membership renewal forms each fall.
Fundraising - The fundraising committee organizes our various fundraisers throughout the year: Garden Art Adventure, Summer Solstice Wine Tasting, Wreath Fundraiser, etc.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Committee - The DEI committee is currently working on evaluations of ACWL-Nuveen programming through a DEI lens and planning a DEI-focused board meeting for March of 2023.
Gallery - The gallery committee works with ACWL-Nuveen staff to ensure the retail gallery is inviting and easy to peruse. They also work together as a committee to determine which artists should be invited to display and sell their artwork in our gallery.
Concert Crew - Volunteers on the concert crew help direct parking, collect donations and assist with the free craft activity during the Free Summer Concert Series.