The White Lake Area Climate Action Council (WLACAC) is kicking off a community art project to provide people with a chance to express their feelings about our changing physical environment and raise public awareness. The WLACAC is made up of a growing group of concerned local citizens who were inspired in June of 2020 to take action on the climate emergency after reading the book The Future We Choose: Surviving the Climate Crisis by Christiana Figueres and Tom Rivett-Carnac.
Our climate IS changing, and the impact is being felt right here in the White Lake area. The rising lake water is affecting our roads, beaches, businesses, and homes. The seasons, which were once predictable, fluctuate more dramatically now due to global warming. Sudden storms present challenges and rising costs for our farmers. Birds, animals, and insects are impacted. Beaches are closed, lakes are often clouded with algae, and ice fishing and winter sports have been seriously affected.
· Considering the impacts of climate change, what is at stake for our community?
· What do we love about the White Lake area and want to save?
· How can we take action to save what we care about?
Community Art Project Details
WLACAC in collaboration with the ACWL-Nuveen invites the White Lake community to get involved by creating a piece of art inspired by how you feel about our changing environment. Use one of the statements above as a springboard for your design! Display your art for the months of December and January where the public can see it and then share a photo of your climate awareness art with the ACWL-Nuveen and on social media, using hashtag #Whitelakeclimateart. The following formats are suggestions for how you can participate:

Painted Rock
Paint a rock and display it in the community. Think about how you can send a message to the many people in our community who take advantage of our beautiful walking trails! The same guidelines apply to placement as with the yard signs - take a picture of your art with a statement about it and its location. Email your image to the ACWL-Nuveen and post it on your social media with the hashtag #Whitelakeclimateart
White Lake Area Climate Action Council hosted an online Paint a Rock class in December 2020. Here are some of their creations!
Decorative Sign
Create a 12” x 18” sign using your own materials. We encourage you to get inspired by things you have on hand, recycled items - repurposed yard signs, fabric, banner material, left-over house paint, found wood, or other materials. Display your art in your yard or in the community. You may display yard signs in Montague or Whitehall on private property with owner approval. Ask your favorite business to display in their window! Take a picture of your art with a statement about it and its location. Email it to the ACWL-Nuveen and post it on your social media channels with the hashtag #Whitelakeclimateart

Decorative Face Mask

Decorate a face mask with your artistic expression. Wear it out and about and help spread awareness about climate change in our area. Take a picture of your art with a statement about it and email it to the ACWL-Nuveen. Post it on your social media with the hashtag #Whitelakeclimateart
WLACA will be hosting a mask decorating class on December 19. Be sure to Like and Follow them on Facebook to learn about this class and other events!
Thank you for your participation in helping to raise awareness of how climate change is impacting our community. If you would like further information about WLACAC and this project, please contact:
White Lake Area Climate Action Council
Arts Council of White Lake-Nuveen Center
(231) 893-2524