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Art Walk Upgrades

The ACWL-Nuveen’s Art Walk Committee made up of volunteers and staff have been working diligently the past year to make improvements to the 19 sculptures situated along the Art Walk. The Art Walk Committee has been able to tackle these improvements due to a generous grant award from the White Lake Community Fund of the Community Foundation for Muskegon County and support from the City of Montague. The funding we received has enabled us to order 5 new cast bronze plaques and stands to replace deteriorating ones (these will be installed in Spring 2025), make landscaping improvements around the sculptures, and pay for major sculpture repairs. There is definitely more work to do, and the committee has exciting plans for 2025. Some of these plans include working with Montague’s City Manager, Jeff Auch, on re-siting sculptures in the Marilyn Voss Sculpture Garden across from the Weathervane, creating a new more prominent plaque for the site, and eventually installing new sculptures. Also on the list is tackling repairs to the iconic Sailboat/Trees in Covell Park and creating a more informative Art Walk Trail map.

While we are experiencing this beautiful fall weather, we hope you get out for a bike ride, run or leisurely stroll on the Art Walk and check out the improvements to the sculptural treasures along the trail. If you would like to financially support or volunteer to be on the Art Walk Committee, please reach out to Director Erin Peyer at –

Many thanks to Aaron Esch and crew from Red Berry Landscaping, Tom Melin from D&S

Painting, and artists Sharon Smithem and Josh Wambaugh for repairing their respective

sculptures. Also, a big shout out to Brian Armstrong and the City of Whitehall’s landscape crew!

Check out these improvements!

Serene Trees - Sharon Smithem & Wesley Brown

Before During - Sharon Smithem painting After

Lake Spirits - David G. Anderson

Art Walk Committee inspection After - Red Berry Landscaping

Resting Waters - Chris Smith

Before During - Red Berry Landscaping After

Swimming Up Stream - Robert Barnum

Before removal Taken off-site for sandblasting and painting

   WildFlower - Stan Policka Untitled - Jim Fuller Wind Wave - Cara O'Brien

New landscaping Art Walk Committee inspection New landscaping



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The Nuveen Center is accessible to all visitors–whatever their ability. Each room is wheelchair accessible, including classrooms and restroom. Guide animals are also welcome. Feel free to call us in advance of your visit so we can accommodate any special needs. 

Media Sponsor: Blue Lake Public Radio

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Address: 106 E. Colby St.

             Whitehall, MI 49461


Phone: (231) 893-2524

Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 11am - 5:30pm

          Saturday, 11am - 3pm

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© 2024 by Arts Council of White Lake - Nuveen Center     All images and artwork are copyrighted and property of the original artist; used here with permission. 

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