She won! In the lead up to the Academy Awards, Molly O'Brien--Documentary Filmmaker of Oscar-winning short The Only Girl in the Orchestra--generously took time to speak with ACWL-Nuveen about what it's like to make a documentary on a subject who prefers to be in the background, how to stay open to letting a story change as it takes shape, and what her Aunt Orin's advice to "Stay on the train" means. And staying on the train has paid off, as Molly took home an Oscar at this year's ceremony. Congrats, Molly!
Both the Documentary Shorts and Live Action Shorts screenings were well-attended, with audiences enjoying the complimentary popcorn--courtesy of the downtown Whitehall Wesco--as well as hot chocolate, wine, and beer. Audience members also took time to predict who would win the Oscar for Documentary Short and Live Action Short. No one correctly predicted both, but we had three people who correctly selected one of the winners. From that three, we drew a name from a hat and the winner is...

Larry VanderPlaats!
Congrats to Larry who wins a $30 gift card to NorthStar Cinemas! Larry can use his gift card to catch up on this year's winners or next year's nominees.
A big thank you to everyone who came out to this event and an especially big thanks to the anonymous donor who made the event possible. If you attended this year and would like to anonymously provide feedback on your experience, please fill out this brief survey.