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What is Nuveen?

Find out more about our name

The Trust and Company

 Founded in 1898 by John Nuveen Sr., the Chicago based John Nuveen Company started as an investment banking company specializing in municipal bonds. Under the leadership of John Nuveen, Jr., the company continued to grow and prosper through sound investment strategies and honest leadership. The Nuveen Benevolent Trust resulted from the financial success of the John Nuveen Company and was established in 1936 by John Nuveen Sr. and Jr. to fund activities of the Immanuel Baptist Church. The Trust’s mission gradually broadened to support other agencies that provide services to children promote education and provide opportunities for personal growth through cultural enrichment.  


The White Lake Connection

Starting with John Nuveen Sr., and continuing with John Nuveen, Jr., his wife Grace, and four children, Margaret (Beguin), Anne (Reynolds), John (Tim) S., & William B., The Nuveen family summered at Sylvan Beach Resort in Whitehall. Although the Nuveen family no longer spends summers at Sylvan, the bond to the White Lake Area remains because of the generations of fond memories created here. This link has grown in strength in the recent years with the establishment of the Nuveen family live on in the White Lake community through programming in the arts.


The Nuveen Center

Started in 2002, The Nuveen Center  takes its name from our initial and continuous principal financial supporter, the Nuveen Benevolent Trust. The Nuveen family’s love of the arts and continued support has laid the foundation for a thriving art community in the White Lake area. The Nuveen Center has become known as a place where the arts are available to individuals of all ages and backgrounds living in and visiting our community.

The Nuveen Center opened it's doors in a small Montague shop front. Joining forces with the already existing Arts Council of White Lake, it offered a face and home for the arts and artists of all ages. Through classes, workshops, lectures, exhibits, and events the center enriched the community. 


As the organization gained in popularity it demanded more space. In 2014 a new store front, 106 E. Colby St., in Whitehall became the home of the Nuveen Center. This new location offers more visibility and two classrooms. The gallery now hosts double the amount of artists as the previous location. 

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The Nuveen Center is accessible to all visitors–whatever their ability. Each room is wheelchair accessible, including classrooms and restroom. Guide animals are also welcome. Feel free to call us in advance of your visit so we can accommodate any special needs. 

Media Sponsor: Blue Lake Public Radio

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Address: 106 E. Colby St.

             Whitehall, MI 49461


Phone: (231) 893-2524

Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 11am - 5:30pm

          Saturday, 11am - 3pm


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© 2024 by Arts Council of White Lake - Nuveen Center     All images and artwork are copyrighted and property of the original artist; used here with permission. 

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